
Pune gets is first human milk bank - The Times of India

PUNE: The city's first human milk bank has been set up by the Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre jointly with the Rotary Club, Nariman Point, Mumbai. The human milk bank service is established for collecting, screening, processing, storing and distributing donated human milk.

The department of paediatrics of the hospital will inaugurate the human milk bank on June 26, in the presence of district governor Jayant Kulkarni at 4.30 pm.

The mother's milk may not be available in neonatal intensive care unit, as the mother may be admitted in another hospital or may be sick herself or even have inadequate milk due to stress. In such cases, the breast milk bank is extremely helpful.


What is Hippocratic Oath

As a young undergraduate i had heard about the all famous Hippocratic Oath for doctors, but i had never read it. That is why i am so pleased to write about it. Thanks a lot to Wikipedia the messiah of all knowledge for proving the vital informations.Here is the direct link;  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocratic_Oath#Modern_version 

Modern version
The widely used modern version of the traditional oath was penned in 1964 by Dr. Louis Lasagna, former Principal of the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University:

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given to me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.


National List of Essential Medicines of India 2011

Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority healthcare needs of majority of the population. The essential medicines list needs to be country specific addressing the disease burden of the nation and the commonly used medicines at primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare levels. The medicines in National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) should be available at affordable costs and with assured quality. The medicines used in the various national health programmes, emerging and reemerging infections should be addressed in the list. The Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) is mandated to ensure the quality healthcare system by assuring availability of safe and efficacious medicines for its population. The primary purpose of NLEM is to promote rational use of medicines considering the three important aspects i.e. cost, safety and efficacy. Furthermore it promotes prescription by generic names. Healthcare delivery institutions, health insurance bodies, standards setting institutions for medicines, medicine price control bodies, health economists and other healthcare stakeholders will be immensely benefitted in framing their policies.

intubation endotracheal


Tenofovir Vaginal Gel First Microbicide to Prevent HIV, HSV Infections

Some good news in the fight against HIV. A new vaginal Gel has been developed that has the potential to bring down the rate of infection of HIV. Although in its 2b stage of clinical trial, I think the idea itself is great as HIV today is a epidemic mainly in the developing part of the globe, and given its cost-effectiveness (which i hope so) , it should have a better acceptability in the society. Combined with a condom ( all condoms should be premedicated with this gel) and HIV might soon be in the list of eliminated diseases. hoping for d best.

thanx to medspace for this article. here is d link http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/725583
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