
All about the "pill"

Oral contraceptives can be taken by a woman to prevent pregnancy. A prescription is required and the pills are often inexpensive. They also can often be obtained at a family planning clinic if you have no regular physician. The pills have very few side effects, and many that do occur disappear after two or three cycles. Oral contraceptives also keep your cycle regular, can make your periods lighter and shorter, and are effective if used correctly.

How to use
It is a big irony  that many well educated women don’t know how to correctly use OC pills (oral contraceptive pills).
But before talking about this I must let u know that there are two types of pill packs available in d market. 1. 21 day pill pack  2. 28 day pill pack.

Start the pill within five days after the onset of your last menstrual period. During this time, the body is not fertile. Adding the contraceptive pill at this time ensures that there is enough time for the hormones to enter the system before fertility occurs. Some people recommends starting it one a Sunday for each cycle, as it is easy remembered.

Take a pill each day. For 21 day pack users they will have a 7 day pill free period, after which start d next pack. For 28 day pack users its d same, only difference is that they don’t have to stop taking the pill.

Missed pill????
If u have missed a pill there is no need to panic. You can take a pill as soon as you remember, then take that days scheduled pill on the normal time.
(e.g. if u forgot to take the pill of say yesterday and remembered about it at 2 o’clock today, take d pill immediately and then take todays pill on the normal time.)

If u have missed 2 pill on a row, even then the above said method works well. Take one pill immediately (not 2 pills) then take scheduled pill of the day according to time.

If u have missed 3 or more pills in a row then it becomes a matter of concern. U should take a pill immediately (only one) and continue to take the rest pack, but u will have to use other contraceptive methods for the rest of the cycle ( e.g condoms, spermicides).

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