
National Immunization Schedule of India

I was asked to give a small presentation by the HOD of Peads on our National Immunization Schedule. At first i thought it was nothing as i already knew the schedule by heart. But still i opened the book to for a confirmation. I  was a bit puzzled as, what i remembered ( from class notes i guess) and that writen in the book didn't matched. So i decided to google it. It was a agonizing experience after that. More schedule non of them matching with one another. Fed-up with all this i decided to ask my seniors. I was surprised to find out that each of them had a different view but known was 100% sure. At last, frustrated with all this I went to one of the senior most doctors, it was he who cleared all my douts.

There are no fixed schedules, each hospital can make there own immunization schedule. And of course each state had their own schedule. But broadly speaking there are two schedules. One the EPI and another one given by IAP. 

National Immunization Schedule
The national immunization schedule comprises of those vaccines that are given free of cost to all children of the country under EPI ( Expanded Program of Immunization).
$ MMR is available in some states only.
$$ Hib is being introduced in two states to begin with.

IAP Immunization Schedule 
The IAP Committee on Immunization submits its position on vaccines not included in the national schedule on a periodic basis as and when they are licensed and made available in the country. Below is the list of IAP recommended Vaccines 2011.

IAP Immunization Time Table 2011; IAP recommended vaccines for routine use

* OPV alone if IPV cannot be given
*# Rotavirus vaccine (2/3 doses depending on the brand at 4-8 weeks interval)
** The third dose of Hepatitis B can be given at 6 months
$ The second dose of MMR vaccine can be given at any time 4-8 weeks after the first dose
$ $ Varicella (2nd dose may be given any time 3 months after the 1st dose)
# Typhoid revaccination every 3 years
& Tdap preferred to Td, followed by repeat Td every 10 years
^ Only females, three doses at 0, 1-2 (depending on brands) and 6 months


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